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Virtual In-Person Meetings

Intelesys is proud to be partnered with LifeSize, an innovative video conferencing technology company that has won outstanding achievement and product awards from over 38 reputable companies. Our partnership works together to bring you the best of both products and services required to configure, deploy, and maintain high-definition video conferencing.

Miscommunications within a business can be detrimental to your company. You want to be sure that when you have a meeting, everyone understands what is happening. This can be difficult when individuals who need to be in a meeting are unable to be there in person. Video conferencing makes everything a little easier.

Video conferencing can drastically change how your business communicates. It helps solidify communication systems with colleagues and clients that are in other areas of the world and may be difficult to communicate with otherwise. Video conferencing feels just like a face to face conversation. With a video conference, there is very little chance of any miscommunication during your meeting.

Your Video Conferencing Solution

Let our LifeSize video conferencing associates provide insight into the latest industry trends and help your company navigate this exciting technology! Our professionals will be sure that the system is working properly and that your business has everything that it needs. Feel free to ask us any questions that you may have about our video conferencing services. Our professionals are highly knowledgeable and can address any concerns that you may have about your video conferencing system. Contact us or click here for more details about LifeSize Video Conferencing.