HD Video Conferencing

People in a conference room using video conferencing technology to conduct a meeting

Speaking Face-to-Face

For years, video conferencing was perceived as a technology reserved for large enterprises with deep pockets and international workforces. However, companies of all sizes can utilize video conferencing on a daily basis. So, how do you plan a rollout for video conferencing at your company? Here are the important questions to ask yourself:

  • Determine what types of communications would be most appropriate to conduct on video conferencing.
  • Set a reasonable budget for video conferencing equipment acquisition.
  • How many locations will benefit from video conferencing?
  • What equipment will I need at each location?
  • Do I need to install HD monitors and if so, how many?
  • What will our field employees need to participate in video calls?
  • Who will coordinate, install and test the proposed video conferencing system?

Video Conferencing and Your Business

HD video conferencing is changing the way businesses communicate. HD video conferencing changes the way that you communicate with distant colleagues and clients. It streamlines communication and makes everything just a little easier. If you are interested in HD video conferencing, discuss your needs with one of our professionals. We can ensure that your needs are met with the best possible customer service. Our professionals will ensure that your system is working properly and that your business is pleased with the finals results of our work. Let us know any questions that you may have about HD video conferencing. We are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have!

Contact Intelesys today to see how our HD video conferencing can improve how you conduct business!